Carlton Urban Renewal Agency Goals

typewriter with word goal on the paper

The Carlton Urban Renewal Plan (see attached in supporting documents) was developed under the guidance of the Carlton Urban Renewal Agency Advisory Committee.  The Advisory Committee conducted a series of meetings, beginning on June 16, 2008, that was open to the public for discussion and comment.  The Carlton Planning Commission reviewed the Plan during an open public meeting held on June 1, 2009.  The Carlton City Council conducted a public hearing before adopting the Plan on June 8, 2009.  The City also provided public notice upon adoption of the Plan as required by ORS 457.120.

The following goals and objectives of the Carlton Urban Renewal Plan describe the purpose of the Urban Renewal area, consistent with the goals and policies found in the City of Carlton Comprehensive Plan.

Goal One:  To maintain and improve public facilities and services within the Urban Renewal Area.


 Improve fire flows within the area

 Provide new and upgraded public utilities within the area

 Implement infrastructure improvements identified in the City’s Utility Plans

Provide park improvements; such as restroom and shelter facilities

Goal Two:  To promote the development of a unified and cohesive Downtown Main Street area.


Provide unified streetscape improvements throughout the downtown commercial core such as lighting, sidewalks, bulb-outs, signage, trash receptacles, landscaping and park benches

Relocate utilities underground

Goal Three:  Promote a safe and convenient transportation system for vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle travel within the area.  


Provide new and upgraded streets within the area

Provide bicycle and pedestrian travel ways within the area

Provide additional vehicle parking areas within the area

Remove pedestrian access barriers throughout the area

Goal Four:  To promote the development of underutilized or vacant Commercial and Industrial properties within the Urban Renewal area.


Stimulate private investment in the development and redevelopment of commercial and industrial properties through public utility improvements in the Urban Renewal area

Encourage retention and expansion of businesses with the commercial and industrial areas

Projected costs and estimated completion dates can be found in the Urban Renewal Plan revised report of June 8, 2009.
