Carlton’s governing body is composed of the Mayor and six council members. The mayor is elected at large for a two-year term while council members are elected for four-year terms. The mayor and council members do not receive a salary for their service. The Mayor presides over Council deliberations and votes on all questions before the Council. The Mayor is responsible for preserving order, enforcing the rules of the Council, and determining the order of business under the rules of the Council.
The Mission of the City of Carlton is to safeguard and enhance the vitality and livability of the community by providing essential services with professionalism and integrity.

Linda Watkins
Linda Watkins was elected to the City Council in November 2020. Her current term of office expires December 31, 2024.
Email: lwatkins [at] ci.carlton.or.us (lwatkins)brake [at] ci.carlton.or.us (@ci.carlton.or.us)lwatkins [at] ci.carlton.or.us ( )

Kevin Skipper
Council President
Kevin was elected to the City Council in November 2020. His term of service expires on December 31, 2024.
Email: kskipper [at] ci.carlton.or.us (kskipper)scarl [at] ci.carlton.or.us (@ci.carlton.or.us)

Shirley Ward-Mullen
City Councilor
Shirley was elected to the City Council in November 2014 and re-elected in November 2018 and again in 2022. Her term of service expires on December 31, 2026.
Email: sward-mullen [at] ci.carlton.or.us (sward-mullen[at]ci[dot]carlton[dot]or[dot]us)

David Hill
City Councilor
David was elected to the City Council in November 2022. The term of office expires December 31, 2026.
Email: dhill [at] ci.carlton.or.us (dhill[at]ci[dot]carlton[dot]or[dot]us )

Grant Erickson
City Councilor
Grant was elected to the Council in November 2020. His term of service expires on December 31, 2024.
Email: gerickson [at] ci.carlton.or.us (gerickson)crhoads [at] ci.carlton.or.us (@ci.carlton.or.us)

Carolyn Thompson-Rizer
City Councilor
Carolyn was elected in November 2022. The term of service expires December 31, 2026.
Email: crizer [at] ci.carlton.or.us

Susan Turrell
City Councilor
Susan was elected to the City Council in November 2024. Her term of service expires on December 31, 2028.
Email: sturrell [at] ci.carlton.or.us (sturrell[at]ci[dot]carlton[dot]or[dot]us)