Vacation Check Request & Consent to Enter Private Residence

To electronically submit a Vacation Check Request, please provide the following information:

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Carlton PD
OR Accreditation Alliance
Please provide the best contact number.
Please provide an alternate phone number, if available.
Permission Request *
* I hereby grant permission to the Carlton Police Department to enter my residence to investigate potential trespass, burglary, or other suspicious circumstances during the date(s) indicated below. This permission to enter my residence to investigate potential trespass, burglary, or other suspicious circumstances is given by me to the Carlton Police Department voluntarily and without threats or promises of any kind. (Please note: Carlton Police Department's officers will only make entry into the residence if there are signs that indicate suspicious circumstances.)
Permission Start Date
* Please indicate the START date of Carlton Police Department's permission to enter your residence to investigate potential trespass, burglary, or other suspicious circumstances on your property.
Permission End Date
** Please indicate the END date of Carlton Police Department's permission to enter your residence to investigate potential trespass, burglary, or other suspicious circumstances on your property.
Check Time *
Please indicate the time of day you are requesting the Carlton Police Department to check on your residence.
Please provide your alternate contact's full name.
In the event a suspect or suspects are apprehended in my residence, or on my property, I will press any applicable charges: *