UPDATE – City Hall Project Architectural Draft

The City of Carlton began the process of designing a new City Hall facility in 2019 by partnering with design students from George Fox University in Newberg.  The students interviewed Carlton residents, met with City staff, developed introductory building concepts and presented their ideas to the Carlton City Council.

The City then solicited bid proposals from architectural firms and selected Holst Architecture from Portland to design the new City Hall facility.

This presentation was prepared for the Carlton City Council and represents the “first draft” of the architect’s work.  The presentation provides some historical context beginning with the work of the George Fox students, details the architect’s process for the project highlights the different textures, material types and historical elements to be used, and provides the initial design.  In addition to the information gathered by the student design team, key considerations are given to functionality, cost, expandability, customer service, accessibility and aesthetic characteristics.

The project is to be funded without any increase in taxes and construction will begin in 2021.  Your input is important.  If you have comments or suggestions, please contact Carlton City Hall by phone at (503) 852-7575 or email at cityhallproject@ci.carlton.or.us.